Greek lyre

The lyre has its origins in ancient history. They were known to be played in the Mesopotamian culture as well as ancient Egypt. 


In Greek mythology, Hermes makes the very first Greek lyre by 'making a tortoise sing'. He uses a tortoise-shell and 7 strings of sheep gut to make his instrument. He later gives this instrument to the god Apollo (the god of music), who in turn bestowes the mythological bard Orpheus with a golden copy. Orpheus plays it so skilfully, that he is able to rescue his wife from the underworld. 


The Romans were infatuated with anything Greek. So from the 1st century onward the lyre spread into Europe, wherever the Roman legions would take it. Leaving evicende of them by painting murals, such as shown on the picture here. 


Our Greek lyre is based upon the mythological one, made by Hermes. However, our tortoise is a fake one... 

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